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《棟篤特工》mv揭巨星登場 Sammi千嬅君如助陣 子華神孖欣宜唱主題曲

由黃子華和佘詩曼主演之狗年賀歲猛片《棟篤特工》,將於下月 15 日年三十晚隆重獻映。子華飾演的港版 007 Mr.Chan 配扮演 madam 的 Chan女郎佘詩曼火花四射,單係 2.14 情人節超前優先場預售已經爆到七彩,由之前的 21場 加碼到 35 場,雄霸情人節檔期。
《棟篤特工》上周日推出首條官方預告片,點擊率直迫 150 萬,走勢極度凌厲。今日,電影公司發佈《棟篤特工》主題曲 mv ─「燈登蹬竳、嬁噔璒!」就係鄭欣宜 featuring 黃子華的《 Final Calling 》( https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1622921977801237&id=178314478928668 ),一首充滿 007 feel的歌曲,加上子華造西裝、揸靚車、黑超、玫瑰、美酒、剪影,幾咁優皮有型。
子華曾經講過《棟》片有很多想像不到的巨星出現,所以要還債都有排;今日這些巨星「債主」終於在 mv 震撼登場,包括:楊千嬅、鄭秀文 ( Sammi )、吳君如、許冠文、譚詠麟、張智霖、鄭中基、蔡少芬、草蜢、鄭丹瑞、苑瓊丹、湯鎮業、林雪、張繼聰、林盛斌、鄧兆尊、趙永洪、許紹雄、張國強、盧惠光、林慧韡 (達哥)、盧海鵬、詹瑞文、細細粒、麥玲玲、張建聲、「專家 Dickson」,仲有唱主題曲的鄭欣宜,以及 C君、蘇麗珊,仲有仲有一個勁似 007 的 Daniel Craig 閃過,有齊影帝、影后,群星人數 30 有突之餘,都尚有神秘人物未出場,齋睇卡士都夠目不暇給。
●《 Final Calling 》歌曲資料:
主唱:鄭欣宜 featuring黃子華
作曲:江 暉
編曲:江 暉
監製:江 暉
Can you see it through light year miles away
Over and over I'm just doin' the same
Bricks never turn to wall 
Untill I'm here 
this is the way the only way
Open your eyes and see
See why you are here
Never give in never give up 
It's going to be defeated
Thank God I still can breath
Let's make history
The day is near, The day is near
Let's see the whole world come to this
燈登蹬竳 嬁噔璒
鐙䔲瞪鄧 凳隥僜
䠬墱嶝櫈 䮴簦覴磴
燈登蹬竳 嬁噔璒
鐙䔲瞪鄧 凳隥僜
䠬墱嶝櫈 䮴簦覴磴
When the war is over it's a brand new start
Everything on the earth Everthing plays its part
Poles on the earth, the sky and ground, the light and the dark
水與火 公與乸 
Are always apart
Are always apart
Open your eyes and see
See why you are here
Never give in never give up
It's going to be defeated
Thank God I still can breath
Let's make history
The day is near, The day is near
Let's see the whole world come to this
燈登蹬竳 嬁噔璒
鐙䔲瞪鄧 凳隥僜
䠬墱嶝櫈 䮴簦覴磴
《棟篤特工》主題曲《 Final Calling 》mv鏈結